Women's intimate portraiture | BOUDOIR



The dreaded two-piece bra & panty set…  It haunts your dreams, you fear it knowing that your mid-section will be showing, and you just don’t have the body for a two-piece set, right? I’m here to flip that script so hard on it’s ass that it has no idea what day of the week I […]

I just recently had another Boudoir shoot of my own; I’m probably on shoot #59365382962 But this one was different.  I wanted to do something completely different than I had done in the past, and I wanted to do it with a purpose of showing my babes that lingerie doesn’t have to be the go-to. […]

Most photographers will tell you that anything and everything goes in their studio when it comes to outfits, attitude, what to expect and they would be doing you a GREAT disservice. With me and my studio, I prefer to completely guide my clients into the best decisions, and policies that will only benefit your Experience. […]

The holiday season is the time to not only look forward to being together with those we love, but also to reflect on what we have accomplished and the events that shaped our lives.  I know this year has been tough for so many people, including myself – but we’ve definitely had more up’s than […]

How do you want to feel when you see your photographs?Do you want to see yourself hanging up on the wall – a daily reminder of how beautiful you are and how your life changed that day?Or maybe you want to flip through the solid pages of your album to reminisce?Or you might love the […]

“Wow, you are way too expensive, that’s absolutely ridiculous!” “Oh Jesus, you are completely robbing people, you should be ashamed of yourself for charging so much!” “Nevermind, I can go to the picture people and get the exact same thing for SO much cheaper!” These are just SOME of the examples of comments I’ve received […]

Plan on coming from out of town, state or country for your Boudoir Experience with us? This is the blog for you! About 10 years ago, when I really got into boudoir, most of my clients lived locally.  Every once in a while we would have a shoot where we would draw from outside the […]

So, you’re ready to book your shoot.  Maybe you’ve saved up, took advantage of the boudie bank, and picked a date that works well with your busy schedule.  So what’s next?  You have time to wait and get excited thinking about what outfits you are going to wear, how you will want your hair and […]

I feel like I have been lucky enough in my life to have had some great experiences and to have accomplished a lot in work, in my personal relationships and in keeping my family close to my heart. When I was young I thought, as probably many do, that my worth would be tied to […]

I had a million things say this week, but I’m pushing everything back so I can have a quick word with you about the need for speed.  I told you last week about the TikTok video post that went viral.  Well, some of the results from that are in… Because of the wide reach it […]